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mayr-volker 横幅



加入时间 December 2022
加入时间 December 2022

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"

„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions"
