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The CULTmander Collection

At Cult DAO's inception, in order to pass the first test proposal to allow renouncement of the contracts, 10 masks were created to be auctioned to buyback and send CULT to the treasury. These were the 10 Guardians Of The Apocalypse

Upon creation of Revolt 2 Earn, and in a nod to The Many fantastic woman in our community that support our cause, we wanted to add another 10 Queens Of The Apocalypse. These NFTs are on Polygon & the owners of the original 10 have been given their Polygon equivalents.

The 20 masks have extremely important utility within Revolt 2 Earn and the wider CULT ecosystem.

Every 15 days 480 randomly selected RVLT stakers rotate to act as CULTmanders approving or disapproving 3 submission/vote cycles. There are then 20 NFT holders that are CULTmanders in perpetuity (unless they sell their NFT).

The NFTs that qualify are the 10 Guardians of The Apocalypse, and the 10 Queens of The Apocalypse.

Jul 2022