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Real CAT Project

Full of "Real CAT" section : Total​ 62 items = 3 parts /collections

1.Real CAT Project (this collection): A Lion_set, 11 items/ Big CAT_set, 24 items​, total 35 items

2.Playing In​ Abstract, 15 items

3.The Golden ​Real​, 12 items

(click the Website link to find the left, 2 collections)

🐅✨ It's NoT​ EASY​ ToBe​ REAL CAT: It's not easy to be anything Real

"Real CAT", come from the full project name: "It's NoT​ EASY​ ToBe​ REAL CAT", created by artist, Sukalya Chearanantana (through her live studio project, "Sukalya LIVE Studio", started in the end of 2020)

The project mean about story of reaching the highest potential in human beings; using symbols through the feline animal family; to convey the form of the potential to reach humanity, reflected through the surrounding society.

"Real CAT" section, is the biggest part of the full "REAL" project (CAT, Human, Thing); which is linked to the concept, Art Things within the CATSpirit, of the cat art gallery, GATchee.

Sep 2021