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Poorly Trained AI Artworks of Bears

This is a collection of digital artworks created by a poorly trained AI starting with a focus on bears. It took me a period of time to write them and if I wasn't careful I was missing tens or hundreds of thousands of pictures and stories. Yes, even what you are reading now is written and generated by AI. It's the perfect vehicle, and the same goes for many of the other robots that I designed. The most impressive thing is that the most complex and detailed robots I've ever created have never looked anything like this. With this software, the complex robotics you see on Google Street View, the most complex and detailed robots I've ever created, have actually lived on the other side of the world. My intention is to create an NFT Project completely made by AI. The website, promotional material, and artworks will all be generated by AI. The NFT Project is a concept from a different perspective!

Oct 2021