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Peace-loving finger

Hi, everybody My name is Mr. Pixelfinger, and I have been developing a project for a long time - "Hungry Finger", dedicated to a real-time game with bloggers, streamers, etc. But the war that the leadership of my country unleashed against our fraternal Ukraine forced me to reconsider all further plans regarding my creativity. At the moment, I have an almost completely ready collection of nft, which was supposed to be implemented in the game being developed in the future. Instead, I consider it my duty to do at least something useful, so I place a collection for charity. Most of the funds raised from the sale of my works will be used to help the injured children in Ukraine. By buying my NFT, you also express your civic position - "I am against war, against military actions and against aggression towards peace-loving countries" and, of course, make the World cleaner. Thanks to everyone who supported!

Mar 2022