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MetaCake CollabitClub

Cryptocurrency was invented in 2008. The word “bitcoin” was defined in a whitepaper published on October 31, 2008. Crypto world is a “meta” environment where all people are “meta-ly” investing to their future beyond the norms. Achieving “meta” success, people celebrate every bit of crypto with joy and happiness. Cake is often served as a celebratory dish on ceremonial occasions. As a CollabitClub (CC) family, we decentralized every bit of crypto-valuable objects into one “meta” piece - MetaCake CC NFT with 10000 unique MetaCakes in the collection. Celebrate every moment of life by sending MetaCakes to people who dear to you for their weddings, anniversaries, birthdays with one click. If you don’t celebrate success, it won’t celebrate you. We are MetaCake CC NFT, we celebrate!

Dec 2021