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Unique NFT you have never seen before. (Max supply 1.111 items) All Items are unique, created by Artificial intelligence and manually selected by a single human individual. A.I. creates beautiful art but also makes weird and often disturbing variations. Similar to our thoughts and feelings.

Like machine learning, neural connections become stronger if you continue a particular path, even when this path is destructive and has a depressive melody. Changing your mindset when feeling lost can be challenging, especially during the depression. Here other individuals come into play. Unfortunately, the topic of mental health is still taboo; however, talking about what's on your mind is the only thing that will help.

With this collection, I desire to create awareness. Not for myself but with the revenue, I will hire the best professionals to develop courses and a retreat/community to help and heal others. Also, I hope these projects will make my own life meaningful again.

Aug 2022