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Goddess Kali Ma

Use the hashtag #SexyKali to share/sell your Kali NFT. We’ll retweet you on @AtheistRepublic (137K+ Followers).
Limited collection of 10 items.
In 2020, many were angered by Atheist Republic's art of a sexy version of the Hindu deity Kali. The Universal Hindu Council filed a report against us with the Delhi Police and Mumbai Police for allowing blasphemous content to be featured on Twitter. An Indian attorney filed a Public Interest Litigation before the Supreme Court of India to hold social media companies directly responsible for the content on their platform, naming us as a reason that the government should establish officers that investigate "hate speech."
Our Kali Ma project sends numerous powerful messages, wrapped in a sexy package. When we blaspheme, we actively participate in breaking taboos and normalizing dissent. We are taking up the mantle of challenging draconian blasphemy laws.

Feb 2022