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Dank Pixel Gods

7012 pixel baddies created by WizardX on August 9th 2023 (one day before Based Fellas) making it the 1st large scale PFP collection on Base.

NFT License 2.0 (

DPG is an ongoing experimental art project by WizardX. Metadata is not final. Collection size will NOT increase. The Pixel Gods however, continue to exert their divine will on the traits that exist. Traits cannot be removed, but they can be added in a manner that furthers the artistic quality of the collection until one day when it will be declared final.

Expect rarity scores to change as traits are added.

sales bot:

Current collection size = 7012 - #burnt.

Dank Pixel Gods is the sister collection to Based Pixel Gods. a few differences: Based is a much more limited collection at 969 editions. DPG is a larger collection, without Base logo traits but created 3 days EARLIER than BPG.

-->sister collection (BPG) here:

Aug 2023