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Artificial Self-Portraits by Danielle King

The ARTIFICIAL SELF-PORTRAIT series by Danielle King investigates the fallibility of memory, the duality of self, and the ways in which artificial intelligence may both jog and change our memories, resulting in a new type of self-portrait. Her source images are self-portraits taken more than 20 years ago using a manual camera, tripod, and timer. King's younger self is captured in moments of vulnerability and self-reflection, and the concept of multiple selves is explored through manipulating them with AI technology.

The fluctuation of memory is a significant theme in the series—memories are never objective, constantly subject to reinterpretation and change. King explores this concept by using AI to change her own images, resulting in multiple versions of herself that exist simultaneously.

This series of ten NFTs is part of the exhibition RECOLLECTION: AI AND MEMORY presented by EXPANDED.ART & The NFT Gallery at their galleries in New York and London, 11 April – 13 May 2023.

Apr 2023