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创作者 cryptohamster
创作者 cryptohamster

Mr. X found himself in the middle of the desert. Here is one of the memories.

"The brim of my hat barely saved me from the scorching rays of the sun. I licked my parched lips. I was so thirsty. The thirst was so strong that I was willing to give everything I had for a sip of water.

I had to move forward to find a safe place to sleep. Continuing to sleep on the sand was impossible, it was cold at those damn scorpions, ugh.

I was moving forward rather slowly, I had very little energy.
Almost exhausted, I fell to my knees and started praying to gods unknown to me, I didn't understand why I was here, why, and how much further I had to go. And worst of all, I didn't know the end point of this grueling journey.

I collapsed on the sand, curled up in the fetal position. How symbolic. A living embryo, but so defenseless against its environment.

My eyes were already closing when I suddenly noticed a silhouette on the horizon. He was getting closer, and at one point he was next to me and held out his hand for me to stand up.

I stood up, hastily shook the sand off my clothes, and tried to get a good look at him.
He was wearing a sand-colored suit, but... I couldn't figure out what was wrong with his face and hands... The stranger caught my gaze and laughed out loud.

  • I'm made of dough.
  • I'm sorry, what?
  • I am made of dough, my friend.

I was at a loss for words. I now understood why there was such a pleasant smell all around, and why the stranger's hand was a little sticky. He continued:

My name is Desert Dough. I pinch off a small pea-sized piece of dough, roll it into a ball, and throw it into the sand, which in turn pulls the ball into itself, and a new person appears in your world.
This is how you people come into the world.
And the place around you is what you call a kind of Limbo.
Or The Parade Room of Life. As you please. I must go now, my friend. You're on the right track, go straight ahead and don't turn around.

Everything suddenly went black, and I blacked out again, like when the Egg cracked."

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Desert Dough

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Desert Dough

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创作者 cryptohamster
创作者 cryptohamster

Mr. X found himself in the middle of the desert. Here is one of the memories.

"The brim of my hat barely saved me from the scorching rays of the sun. I licked my parched lips. I was so thirsty. The thirst was so strong that I was willing to give everything I had for a sip of water.

I had to move forward to find a safe place to sleep. Continuing to sleep on the sand was impossible, it was cold at those damn scorpions, ugh.

I was moving forward rather slowly, I had very little energy.
Almost exhausted, I fell to my knees and started praying to gods unknown to me, I didn't understand why I was here, why, and how much further I had to go. And worst of all, I didn't know the end point of this grueling journey.

I collapsed on the sand, curled up in the fetal position. How symbolic. A living embryo, but so defenseless against its environment.

My eyes were already closing when I suddenly noticed a silhouette on the horizon. He was getting closer, and at one point he was next to me and held out his hand for me to stand up.

I stood up, hastily shook the sand off my clothes, and tried to get a good look at him.
He was wearing a sand-colored suit, but... I couldn't figure out what was wrong with his face and hands... The stranger caught my gaze and laughed out loud.

  • I'm made of dough.
  • I'm sorry, what?
  • I am made of dough, my friend.

I was at a loss for words. I now understood why there was such a pleasant smell all around, and why the stranger's hand was a little sticky. He continued:

My name is Desert Dough. I pinch off a small pea-sized piece of dough, roll it into a ball, and throw it into the sand, which in turn pulls the ball into itself, and a new person appears in your world.
This is how you people come into the world.
And the place around you is what you call a kind of Limbo.
Or The Parade Room of Life. As you please. I must go now, my friend. You're on the right track, go straight ahead and don't turn around.

Everything suddenly went black, and I blacked out again, like when the Egg cracked."

The Untold Story of Mr. X collection image