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创作者 SubodhShettyy
创作者 SubodhShettyy

Padma - A name which translates to 'Lotus'.

A cluster of remote Himalayan villages claim to hold a bastion of purebred Aryans, the last in the world completely un-muddied by the outside gene pool. The Brogpas, or Brokpas, are said to be the purest remnants of light-skinned European invaders who, legend has it, traveled through India thousands of years ago as part of Alexander the Greats Army.

The tribe’s true origins are impossible to trace, though that hasn’t stopped large amounts of speculation. Unlike the majority of the Ladakhis with Tibeto-Mongol looks, the Brogpas have Indo-Aryan features.

The cultural exuberance of Aryans is clearly reflected in exquisite dresses and ornaments they wear. The women don special woolen dresses and adorn themselves with shells, beads and pure silver jewellery in multiple layers. Goat skin capes are worn over the back, while unusual headdress decorated with flowers, coins and seashells complete the look.

I have been a regular visitor to this valley and have a very close bond with the villagers. Each time they welcome me with the sweetest smiles and warmnest of hugs and a rather bitter almond juice.

As part of my great love and respect to the greatly focused and determined Padma, who dreams to become a pilot someday, 25% of the proceeds from this NFT would be handed over to her for her educational purposes.

Artist : Subodh Shetty

Edition : 1/1

Location : Dah Hanu - Ladakh - India

Year Created : June 2017

Size : 5430 x 3620

Gear : Nikon D5 - Nikkor 85mm 1.4

Genre : Portraits

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

PORTRAIT OF HUMANITY collection image

My genesis as a travel photographer began with my first visit to Himalayas a decade back. My life, focus, devotion, religion, priority & every breathing moment has since been photography.

Himalayas - Land of extreme altitude & lowest oxygen, arid landscapes & majestic snow cap mountains, decorated with glaciers and ice. Picturesque gompas, meditational mani walls & multi hued buddhist flags further exemplifies the beauty of the roof of the world.

However, what shines for me as a portrait photographer are the people of the land. Despite residing in the harshest of scapes & lacking the bear essentials of life, people of the mountains are as joyful & as content as one could ever desire. Warmest smile, tightest hugs, sweetest words & kindest deeds define their existence. I may roam the world, but my heart always beats for the Himalayas. In this collection, I present 1/1s which gives you an intimate glimpse into the real soul of the Himalayas.


Padma - Portrait Of Humanity

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Padma - Portrait Of Humanity

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创作者 SubodhShettyy
创作者 SubodhShettyy

Padma - A name which translates to 'Lotus'.

A cluster of remote Himalayan villages claim to hold a bastion of purebred Aryans, the last in the world completely un-muddied by the outside gene pool. The Brogpas, or Brokpas, are said to be the purest remnants of light-skinned European invaders who, legend has it, traveled through India thousands of years ago as part of Alexander the Greats Army.

The tribe’s true origins are impossible to trace, though that hasn’t stopped large amounts of speculation. Unlike the majority of the Ladakhis with Tibeto-Mongol looks, the Brogpas have Indo-Aryan features.

The cultural exuberance of Aryans is clearly reflected in exquisite dresses and ornaments they wear. The women don special woolen dresses and adorn themselves with shells, beads and pure silver jewellery in multiple layers. Goat skin capes are worn over the back, while unusual headdress decorated with flowers, coins and seashells complete the look.

I have been a regular visitor to this valley and have a very close bond with the villagers. Each time they welcome me with the sweetest smiles and warmnest of hugs and a rather bitter almond juice.

As part of my great love and respect to the greatly focused and determined Padma, who dreams to become a pilot someday, 25% of the proceeds from this NFT would be handed over to her for her educational purposes.

Artist : Subodh Shetty

Edition : 1/1

Location : Dah Hanu - Ladakh - India

Year Created : June 2017

Size : 5430 x 3620

Gear : Nikon D5 - Nikkor 85mm 1.4

Genre : Portraits

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

PORTRAIT OF HUMANITY collection image

My genesis as a travel photographer began with my first visit to Himalayas a decade back. My life, focus, devotion, religion, priority & every breathing moment has since been photography.

Himalayas - Land of extreme altitude & lowest oxygen, arid landscapes & majestic snow cap mountains, decorated with glaciers and ice. Picturesque gompas, meditational mani walls & multi hued buddhist flags further exemplifies the beauty of the roof of the world.

However, what shines for me as a portrait photographer are the people of the land. Despite residing in the harshest of scapes & lacking the bear essentials of life, people of the mountains are as joyful & as content as one could ever desire. Warmest smile, tightest hugs, sweetest words & kindest deeds define their existence. I may roam the world, but my heart always beats for the Himalayas. In this collection, I present 1/1s which gives you an intimate glimpse into the real soul of the Himalayas.
