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创作者 StellabelleX
创作者 StellabelleX

To me, Queenship Queens was the absolute worst of the worst of NFT scams because the two groups that have been taken advantage of the most in history, women and blacks, were the victims in this scam. The male devs, who pretended to be black women co-opted the desire of people to buy NFTs from black women.

For me this was one of the lowest points in NFT history. You can still see this atrocity on Opensea, and guess what, this netted 78 ETH:

Queenship Queens was the project where a group of Russian dudes pretended to be black women running it. The “team” was shown on their website as Dola, Sierra and Kayla. The Queenship Queens website has been taken down but Fedor Linnik took screenshots of it:

Fedor Linnik was the one responsible for unraveling the truth about Queenship Queens being created by Russian dudes, not black women. Here’s his twitter thread:

From the minds of some Russian dudes comes this:

“Queenship is a collection of 10,000 unique Black Female NFTs on the ETH blockchain. Every Queen has her own characteristics that make her distinct, randomly generated from hundreds of thousands of unique combinations. We are proud to be the first NFT project honoring Black Women around the world and our accomplishments. And we are excited to be providing educational opportunities for more involvement in the NFT space by Black Women through our project. We are all Queens, but we are much more than just royalty.” This sentence is a dead giveaway imo: “We are proud to be the first NFT project honoring Black Women around the world and our accomplishments.” The first part of the sentence sounds like they are not black women, and that they are honoring them, but then they use the word “our”, which doesn’t fit in. Anyway, this whole things was fucking gross. Glad things have changed with new projects that are being led by a diverse group of women. Arweave download:

Arweave view:

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella


CryptoStella #104: Queenship Queens Scam

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CryptoStella #104: Queenship Queens Scam

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创作者 StellabelleX
创作者 StellabelleX

To me, Queenship Queens was the absolute worst of the worst of NFT scams because the two groups that have been taken advantage of the most in history, women and blacks, were the victims in this scam. The male devs, who pretended to be black women co-opted the desire of people to buy NFTs from black women.

For me this was one of the lowest points in NFT history. You can still see this atrocity on Opensea, and guess what, this netted 78 ETH:

Queenship Queens was the project where a group of Russian dudes pretended to be black women running it. The “team” was shown on their website as Dola, Sierra and Kayla. The Queenship Queens website has been taken down but Fedor Linnik took screenshots of it:

Fedor Linnik was the one responsible for unraveling the truth about Queenship Queens being created by Russian dudes, not black women. Here’s his twitter thread:

From the minds of some Russian dudes comes this:

“Queenship is a collection of 10,000 unique Black Female NFTs on the ETH blockchain. Every Queen has her own characteristics that make her distinct, randomly generated from hundreds of thousands of unique combinations. We are proud to be the first NFT project honoring Black Women around the world and our accomplishments. And we are excited to be providing educational opportunities for more involvement in the NFT space by Black Women through our project. We are all Queens, but we are much more than just royalty.” This sentence is a dead giveaway imo: “We are proud to be the first NFT project honoring Black Women around the world and our accomplishments.” The first part of the sentence sounds like they are not black women, and that they are honoring them, but then they use the word “our”, which doesn’t fit in. Anyway, this whole things was fucking gross. Glad things have changed with new projects that are being led by a diverse group of women. Arweave download:

Arweave view:

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella
