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The Meta

Interdimensional 1/1 Art Pieces

Dimensions 1080x1920px DPI 600

"The Meta" dates all the way back to Genesis in "The Garden of Eden". Here is where Malikaii Mask began to defragment. Here is where most find themselves lost. Here is where some proverbs say that the lost begin to find what they've been searching for all along.

Before I leave there is one thing I must let you know. Each piece is a ticket to a promise. A promise to a gift. A gift to a seed.

What must a seed need to grow more than light and water? Time. And as I grow with time, so will the promise to you. You are my greatest gift, and I'm happy to see that you've gotten this far.

So go ahead. Grab a piece, and join me on a journey to find my lost identity. In the process, I hope you find yourself too.

Much Love, MM

Sep 2021
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