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One Million Days, by Studio Em

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives and how we spend our lives is, of course, everything." -Annie Dillard + Studio Em

On January 4, 1966, artist On Kawara began his "Today" series of monochromatic date paintings.

Over the next fifty years, he created 3,000 date paintings, exploring the nature of time and the meaning of each day.

Now, with instant communication and 24/7 everything, it seems that our world is speeding up – just as the existential threat of climate change makes time more important than ever.

"One Million Days" is a massively longterm project meant to foster hope and collaboration.

As the project starts, I am fifty years old. I will die long before the next million days pass - but when I die another artist will take my place, and then another and another until, collectively, a line of artists stretching 2,739 years will have created one million date paintings over one million days.


B/c every day matters more than ever.

Apr 2021
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