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Digital Fine Arts

Studio pseudonym, social media artist handle, exhibit title…; the THIS GIDDY FUTURE creative identity is a focused production “brand” of digitally-organic abstractions that thrive within intangible spaces.

THIS GIDDY FUTURE debuted in 2018 in Austin Texas and on Facebook owned Instagram. Releasing focused, serialized explorations of technique & genre. By 2020 the studio has begun branching out into more experimental frontiers and has embraced art publication on blockchains, vr/360 cinema, and vertical video.

Strong influences from Collage Art, Glitch Art, Motion Art, and Trash Art, THIS GIDDY FUTURE typically presents in formats that support the following playback standards: 16:9, 60fps, 72-300dpi, 1920×1080 & 4K, sRGB.

고유한 아이템
아이템 총
Aug 2020
에 생성됨
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