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Daffy Panda Ganging Up VS

Daffy Panda Ganging Up is a limited edition NFT series developed based on the music game, limited to 10,000 pieces, by generating over a dozen dimensional image attributes such as skins, colors, accessories, and props by independent artists, with Ark of Panda automatically generating game attributes containing music genres, prop skills, character dressing, special items and more. Each DPGU is unique, highly collectible and has unique value-added benefits for the future of the game:

  1. Each DPGU is the only pass to enter the game, allowing you to invite players and receive 5% of the proceeds of the invited user. You can also rent or sell the invitation code to other users. 2、Each DPGU will gain 5 additional random attributes in the game. 3、The first airdrops of ark of panda game will be generated in DPGU. 4、DPGU owners can divide a percentage of the revenue generated by each country and city in the game.
Oct 2021
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