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City of Robbers

There is a collection of 10,000 characters generated from 220+ layers. We are going to create an NFT quest-turn-based game, where players will command a gang of 5 NFT characters to steal something from gas stations, jevelry, art galleries and, of course, banks. Games are our pashion. We've played MtG, DnD, compures and boardgames for more then fiftheen years. And with NFT technology we've received a chance to realize our dream - let a lot of people play in our game. We can create a full city of encounters, with a lot of ways to pass them and gain the reward. Not all of the encounters you can finish like a fully loaded ram. It's like a computers quest game meeting turn-based strategy. Or a mayhem will be, as you wish. Now we are testing game mechanic with boardgame components. We are open to discuss in Discord and Twitter.

Feb 2022
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