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Work Hard, Play Hard, Give Back

I don't splurge on many things in life. but I absolutely love to go out for (often expensive) meals and to take photos of my food. Also, despite being in the NFT space for many months, I have never minted my own NFT. This seems like a fun place to start. I love the idea of my food adventures being on the blockchain.

I will mint a collage of photos from each meal and auction it off. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to charity and will be sent in ETH so it is publicly visible on the Blockchain.

I will also add some of my own money to each donation: however much the meal cost me, I will donate that same amount.

It's hard not to feel guilty eating fancy food while knowing that there are people in the world going hungry, and I know that I could always be "doing more". I hope this is just the beginning of a much longer life-journey of mine to give back to those less fortunate than me.

Perhaps in the future I can also find a way to give back to those who buy these NFTs...

Aug 2021