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The Missing Project by Freaklion

A day in crypto is like a week. A week, a month. How long, then, is a year? My project Missing is a social and artistic experiment that could only take place on Web3.

Missing Nos. 1-5 are placeholders for artwork that will be airdropped to the then-current owner one year to the day after the purchase of the first Missing work. There also will be Missing Nos. 6, 7, and 8, which will not be for sale until Missing 1-5 are revealed (as Found 1-5).

So what is Missing? A work I have visualized for about six months. As soon as a Missing is purchased, I’ll make that vision come to life over the next year. Need more information? Completely understandable. However, Missing is not for you.

The owners of Missing No. 1-5 will wait a year. The owners may sell them or collect more. If one owner purchases all five, that owner will be airdropped Found No. 6 (as well as Found No. 1-5).

Nov 2021