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ShiShi Presents: CHRYSALIS (Shadow Work For The Dancefloor)

Welcome to CHRYSALIS: Shadow Work For The Dancefloor.

This 10 piece collection launches alongside my second studio album, CHRYSALIS.

"Chrysalis" is 14-song journey through the depths of the psyche, exploring the dark side of the human experience. The purpose is to bring our shadows into the light and dance with them so that they may be healed and integrated into the whole of our being.

This collection contains four 1-of-1 NFT's, each corresponding to a different single on the album, and each written from the perspective of a different "shadow" emotion: lust, anger, fear and shame respectively. The buyer of any of these NFT's will receive stems to remix its corresponding song, and a personalized 30-minute guided meditation with me to work with the corresponding emotion.

The other 6 NFT's are 1-of-1 alternate album covers that can be yours to own as a piece of digital history alongside the release of the album.

Sending Love,

Aasheesh (ShiShi)

Jan 2022