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Our Dreams

Step into a captivating narrative that weaves through the tapestry of life's seasons, embracing lessons, navigating loss, overcoming failure, savoring victories, basking in love, fostering growth, relishing success, and discovering the elusive elixir of happiness. "Our Dreams" unfolds as a collection of 33 exquisite art pieces, each portraying a unique chapter in this symphony of existence. Join us as each piece is unveiled one by one. As the tale unfolds with the release of each art piece, envision becoming a cherished holder of this collection, culminating in a grand finale at the 33rd release and sale. Your reward? A bespoke book housing the story and artwork, an exclusive poster featuring your token, and a coveted spot in an upcoming NFT project. Because, in the end, stories are the heartbeat of culture. Stay true 💚

Sep 2023