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Kribi Party by Bertin Talloh

From braids to boldness and buns to bravado, hairstyles give us confidence- a sense of belonging, rebelliousness, or daring expression. For Cameroon-based artist Bertin Talloh, "Kribi Party" is a jubilant tribute to the bustling hair salons of his youth. Born the only boy in his family, trips to these communal spaces brimming with creativity and individuality were always a case for celebration. In the party-like atmosphere inside, women transformed themselves and each other, bonding in their altered likeness. Rendered in vibrant hues to represent the universal nature of feminine kinship across racial or country lines, each of the four portraits in "Kribi Party" encapsulates a personal narrative told through the protagonist's hairstyle—a reflection of their identity, aspirations, or origins, personally crafted for the world to see.

Apr 2024