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Clay Connections V3

I am honoured to share my Clay Connections from Kumbharwada, Potters Colony in Mumbai, India, with you. One of my favourite spots in Mumbai. I'm drawn to this location because of its earthy vibes, beautiful warmth, and rawness. I've always loved to photograph artists and their work. Making pottery out of clay is an art form in itself. I love how everything starts with mud and then the Artist transforms it into something so beautiful. It is a marvel in and of itself. I get a lot of satisfaction out of capturing such moments with my camera and sharing them with the rest of the world.

This is a beautiful canvas of Artists and their artworks.

I hope you enjoy this 'Clay Connection' collection as much as i enjoyed making this and presenting it to you !! All images in this collection are 1/1

About the Artist: Namrata Vedi, an Award winning, passionate Photographer who loves capturing stories and beautiful moments. Her work has been published and exhibited on various platforms.

Sep 2021