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Atlas the Titan

Atlas sided with the Titans in their war against the Olympians, The Titanomachy. When the Titans were defeated, many of them were confined to Tartarus, but Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of the earth and hold up the contract with all the tokens on his shoulders. Heracles came to Atlas and asked him for help with one of his Labours. He wanted Atlas to get the "Golden Apples" for him as only an immortal could take them. Atlas agreed, but only if Heracles would hold up the contract with all the tokens. Atlas was pleased to be free from its weight but Heracles tricked him into holding it again. Since then Atlas is holding up the contact with all the tokens on his shoulders and lunched his NFT Collection as a cat that may make him rich and escape from this punishment. You can visit Atlas at the western edge of the earth to buy some Zeus tokens but be careful, Dont hold up the contract if he asks you to.

Jan 2022