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GM by Aaron Ferguson

In mid-September of 2021, there was a major construction project in the city underway to replace the sidewalks and roadway. It was causing a lot of disruption in the neighborhood for residents and commuters.

One morning, I decided to load my 35mm camera with film and go for a walk to the café. Along the way I witnessed myself and others becoming frustrated by the disruption. As I stood watching the workers for a few moments, I noticed that gas line markings were spray-painted onto the ground.

It suddenly dawned on me. Why am I allowing myself to be upset by things outside of my control? If I always search for negative things in life, I will surely find them. However, the positive sides are there to be discovered by me each day as well. Only I can control whether or not I am in good spirits. If I try to search for and focus on the good each day - then maybe I can truly be happy.

Collection consists of 14 1/1 edition images.

All images © 2021 Aaron Ferguson. All Rights Reserved.

Sep 2021