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By 60874F
By 60874F

"Dining with Dali" - A Surrealists Look Back On December 12, 1972, Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and her husband Guy threw a lush “Diner de Têtes Surrealistes” at the enormous Château de Ferrières. This event has taken on legendary and even mythological status. During the 1960s the palace became one of the regular hotspots for extravagant parties in France for movie stars, fashion designers, and socialites.

In 1972 when the event took place, I was 17 and was already deep into psychedelics and visionary experiences. I was deep into art and the genre of Surrealism. I had studied the story of the birth and incubation of surrealists, especially Salvador Dali. For the majority of my career, I live near or in Saint Petersburg Florida where one of the Salvador Dali museums is located. I was a member of the museum Surrealist Society, and I was pleased to attend several of the Surrealists Ball events. Attending these events had a great influence on my work.

This year in 2023 I am celebrating my 43rd year as a digital artist and surrealist. I am travelling the path they followed, and I will be visiting the Edawrd James Garden in Xilitla. I have been wanting to make a piece of work to commemorate the original event and my own celebration of life and career as a surrealist. The technology that Asyncart Blueprints has created is the perfect way and the perfect platform to do exactly that. In this release I do not intend to be historically accurate. On the contrary I intend for it to be a twisted and distorted perspective on what I imagine the event was or might have been had it been occurring continuously through time until now.

This Blueprint features imaginary photos, or as I call them "digigraphs", that I extracted from the timeless infinity of hyperspace. I generated edited and selected over 500 images just for use in the rotations of the images taken by the "press photographer" that was never there but imagined by me. Included in the release are three "Legendary Editions". One each of Gold, Blue, and Purple, fashioned in the style of an imaginary Rothschild bottle label had there been a commemorative edition label for a 1972 vintage.

This project was a labor of love and took me over a year to complete. I hope the collectors of these editions will find them interesting and fun to see who the guests are and consider them prized pieces in their collections. - "Artistken"

Async Blueprints collection image

Explore limited editions of generative and provably random art collections made with Blueprints on Async Canvas.

カテゴリー PFPs
トークン ID31207

"Dinning with Dali" #2

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"Dinning with Dali" #2

4 閲覧回数
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By 60874F
By 60874F

"Dining with Dali" - A Surrealists Look Back On December 12, 1972, Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and her husband Guy threw a lush “Diner de Têtes Surrealistes” at the enormous Château de Ferrières. This event has taken on legendary and even mythological status. During the 1960s the palace became one of the regular hotspots for extravagant parties in France for movie stars, fashion designers, and socialites.

In 1972 when the event took place, I was 17 and was already deep into psychedelics and visionary experiences. I was deep into art and the genre of Surrealism. I had studied the story of the birth and incubation of surrealists, especially Salvador Dali. For the majority of my career, I live near or in Saint Petersburg Florida where one of the Salvador Dali museums is located. I was a member of the museum Surrealist Society, and I was pleased to attend several of the Surrealists Ball events. Attending these events had a great influence on my work.

This year in 2023 I am celebrating my 43rd year as a digital artist and surrealist. I am travelling the path they followed, and I will be visiting the Edawrd James Garden in Xilitla. I have been wanting to make a piece of work to commemorate the original event and my own celebration of life and career as a surrealist. The technology that Asyncart Blueprints has created is the perfect way and the perfect platform to do exactly that. In this release I do not intend to be historically accurate. On the contrary I intend for it to be a twisted and distorted perspective on what I imagine the event was or might have been had it been occurring continuously through time until now.

This Blueprint features imaginary photos, or as I call them "digigraphs", that I extracted from the timeless infinity of hyperspace. I generated edited and selected over 500 images just for use in the rotations of the images taken by the "press photographer" that was never there but imagined by me. Included in the release are three "Legendary Editions". One each of Gold, Blue, and Purple, fashioned in the style of an imaginary Rothschild bottle label had there been a commemorative edition label for a 1972 vintage.

This project was a labor of love and took me over a year to complete. I hope the collectors of these editions will find them interesting and fun to see who the guests are and consider them prized pieces in their collections. - "Artistken"

Async Blueprints collection image

Explore limited editions of generative and provably random art collections made with Blueprints on Async Canvas.

カテゴリー PFPs
トークン ID31207