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Artist: Sammya Brata

Medium: Photography

Edition: 1/1

Collection: The Enlightenment - Series I

Shot at Jodhpur, Rajasthan in India during the golden hour on a winter afternoon, this photograph depicts the beauty of daily life scenes on the streets draped in naturally warm colors. It is this time of the day when people return to the warmth and coziness of their home after a gruelling day at work and the golden light syncs perfectly with the mood of the image.

Image specifications- 6016 × 4016

Shot in year - 2021

Device- Nikon D750

About the collection: Chasing light or "finding light" has been quite a fascination for me right from the childhood days. Not just because of the sheer visual delight that it brings on to the table, but the way it adds a strong element of story-telling to your otherwise mundane photographs. I have been shooting "God-light" both early in the morning during winters as well as late afternoon but one thing is in common- these "dramatic" images often end up inducing the feeling of "enlightenment" and contentment in the entire process.

This is the first series called "Enlightenment" and has 15 images shot across India primarily during the winter season when the impact of sun-rays is the maximum. You can connect with me on Instagram @Deckle_Edge for better understanding.

About the artist- Sammya Brata is an award winning street and documentary photographer, who has won the Canon Photo Marathon India in 2019 and has been an established educator, mentor and a TEDx speaker.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

The En-LIGHT-enment - Series I collection image

Chasing light or "finding light" has been quite a fascination for me right from the childhood days. Not just because of the sheer visual delight that it brings on to the table, but the way it adds a strong element of story-telling to your otherwise mundane photographs.

We often refer to natural light or beams of light as "God rays" primarily because it perhaps establishes a direct connect between the Almighty and the artist who paints his creations on the canvas of possibilities.

I have been shooting "God-light" both early in the morning during winters as well as late afternoon but one thing is in common- these "dramatic" images often end up inducing the feeling of "enlightenment" and contentment in the entire process.

This is the first series called "Enlightenment" and has 12 images shot across the world primarily during the winter season when the impact of sun-rays is the maximum. You can connect with me on Instagram @Deckle_Edge for better understanding about this series.

カテゴリー Photography
トークン ID

#5 - The Home Coming

16 閲覧回数
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#5 - The Home Coming

16 閲覧回数
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Artist: Sammya Brata

Medium: Photography

Edition: 1/1

Collection: The Enlightenment - Series I

Shot at Jodhpur, Rajasthan in India during the golden hour on a winter afternoon, this photograph depicts the beauty of daily life scenes on the streets draped in naturally warm colors. It is this time of the day when people return to the warmth and coziness of their home after a gruelling day at work and the golden light syncs perfectly with the mood of the image.

Image specifications- 6016 × 4016

Shot in year - 2021

Device- Nikon D750

About the collection: Chasing light or "finding light" has been quite a fascination for me right from the childhood days. Not just because of the sheer visual delight that it brings on to the table, but the way it adds a strong element of story-telling to your otherwise mundane photographs. I have been shooting "God-light" both early in the morning during winters as well as late afternoon but one thing is in common- these "dramatic" images often end up inducing the feeling of "enlightenment" and contentment in the entire process.

This is the first series called "Enlightenment" and has 15 images shot across India primarily during the winter season when the impact of sun-rays is the maximum. You can connect with me on Instagram @Deckle_Edge for better understanding.

About the artist- Sammya Brata is an award winning street and documentary photographer, who has won the Canon Photo Marathon India in 2019 and has been an established educator, mentor and a TEDx speaker.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

The En-LIGHT-enment - Series I collection image

Chasing light or "finding light" has been quite a fascination for me right from the childhood days. Not just because of the sheer visual delight that it brings on to the table, but the way it adds a strong element of story-telling to your otherwise mundane photographs.

We often refer to natural light or beams of light as "God rays" primarily because it perhaps establishes a direct connect between the Almighty and the artist who paints his creations on the canvas of possibilities.

I have been shooting "God-light" both early in the morning during winters as well as late afternoon but one thing is in common- these "dramatic" images often end up inducing the feeling of "enlightenment" and contentment in the entire process.

This is the first series called "Enlightenment" and has 12 images shot across the world primarily during the winter season when the impact of sun-rays is the maximum. You can connect with me on Instagram @Deckle_Edge for better understanding about this series.

カテゴリー Photography
トークン ID