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Clean Beach 11-11 is an NFT project dedicated to cleaning beaches around the world - we donate 25% of all profits to this purpose.

This special edition of 10 Hilton Beach TLV is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Shimrit Perkol-Finkel. She was killed by a truck when riding a scooter on her way back from the office so sadly, she herself can no longer make real changes in our world – I hope to be able to make some small changes on her behalf. Let me tell you a little about this admirable woman.

Shimrit was a marine biologist from Tel-Aviv, Israel. Hilton Beach was her favorite hangout. She was a mother of three and an ocean enthusiast. She had an amazing career and her findings are grounds for the game-changing understanding of the importance of ecological concrete in marine environments. She was the former CEO and Co-Founder of ECOncrete. In 2020 she was nominated one of 100 empowering women worldwide in the book “Vital Voices”. Morris Kahn Marine Research Station even named a shark after her.

In creating the images to commemorate her I used symbols and items that were part of her life. The bird statue at Hilton Beach that was her second home. She used to dive a lot as part of her work and also for fun. The crane is lifting up “her” concrete. On her gravestone, there is the nautilus shell which became the logo of ECOncrete. She loved the Plumeria tree that grew in her parents’ house, she painted sunflowers & clouds and tattooed the cherry blossom on her arm. Kobi asked her to marry him as they were hiking in the mountains. From their relocation to Mexico she came back with decorative lizards and Margarita as her preferred drink. Her black cat was called Layla (night, in Hebrew) and her graduating present was a golden barrel cactus. She used to smile a lot and always wore this silver pendant.

Clean Beach 11:11 collection image

Together, we can make the world a better place!

My name is Keren and I am a visual artist. This collection, staring the Octopus, features items of beauty along with plastics and junk created by human society that ultimately find their way to dirty and poison our beaches.

I have lived by the beach all my life and have enjoyed (and still do) countless moments of beauty. Now is my time to give back. I have created 8,888 unique NFT’s (Not done by algorithm…) and will donate 25% of all proceeds, including royalties of future sales, to clean beaches around the world + an additional 10% utility that will go back to the community.

Here are the first 100 items at a one-time reduced price and once these sell out all prices will go up.

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Hilton Beach TLV #10

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Hilton Beach TLV #10

6 閲覧回数
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Clean Beach 11-11 is an NFT project dedicated to cleaning beaches around the world - we donate 25% of all profits to this purpose.

This special edition of 10 Hilton Beach TLV is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Shimrit Perkol-Finkel. She was killed by a truck when riding a scooter on her way back from the office so sadly, she herself can no longer make real changes in our world – I hope to be able to make some small changes on her behalf. Let me tell you a little about this admirable woman.

Shimrit was a marine biologist from Tel-Aviv, Israel. Hilton Beach was her favorite hangout. She was a mother of three and an ocean enthusiast. She had an amazing career and her findings are grounds for the game-changing understanding of the importance of ecological concrete in marine environments. She was the former CEO and Co-Founder of ECOncrete. In 2020 she was nominated one of 100 empowering women worldwide in the book “Vital Voices”. Morris Kahn Marine Research Station even named a shark after her.

In creating the images to commemorate her I used symbols and items that were part of her life. The bird statue at Hilton Beach that was her second home. She used to dive a lot as part of her work and also for fun. The crane is lifting up “her” concrete. On her gravestone, there is the nautilus shell which became the logo of ECOncrete. She loved the Plumeria tree that grew in her parents’ house, she painted sunflowers & clouds and tattooed the cherry blossom on her arm. Kobi asked her to marry him as they were hiking in the mountains. From their relocation to Mexico she came back with decorative lizards and Margarita as her preferred drink. Her black cat was called Layla (night, in Hebrew) and her graduating present was a golden barrel cactus. She used to smile a lot and always wore this silver pendant.

Clean Beach 11:11 collection image

Together, we can make the world a better place!

My name is Keren and I am a visual artist. This collection, staring the Octopus, features items of beauty along with plastics and junk created by human society that ultimately find their way to dirty and poison our beaches.

I have lived by the beach all my life and have enjoyed (and still do) countless moments of beauty. Now is my time to give back. I have created 8,888 unique NFT’s (Not done by algorithm…) and will donate 25% of all proceeds, including royalties of future sales, to clean beaches around the world + an additional 10% utility that will go back to the community.

Here are the first 100 items at a one-time reduced price and once these sell out all prices will go up.

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