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No. 1 of a 10 piece collection, comprised of completely intuitive 1/1 abstract illustrations, each focusing on a different facet of life.

“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.” ― Mandy Hale

Growing up, I always felt very much like a square peg in a round hole - I think so many of us do. I was awkward, insecure and always so worried about what people thought of me. I dont think that we wake up one day and shed ourselves of our insecurities, I think we travel along the road of life and we shed them little by little as we go - as we expose ourselves to various situations, challenges and obstacles.

Along the way, we discover so many things, and learn - oh we are constantly learning. Perhaps we gradually grow our self confidence when we eventually learn to say no to the people and things which make us feel like less of an individual - maybe we finally realise that by extending a little more patience to others that we ourselves end up enduring less frustration.

We are constantly moving through moments, absorbing life and its lessons through all our senses, emotions and energy. When you dissect your journey and look at it in all its facets like a five thousand piece puzzle lying on a coffee table… you suddenly realise just how far you have come, how much you have overcome - the enormity of what you have learnt, how very different you are now to who you were at the beginning and precisely how much you have grown.

Like an orchestra - when you hear some of the individual instruments playing their part of a whole on their own, it can often sound absolutely horrid… but add all the other instruments, put it all together in harmony as a complete picture… it is nothing short of magnificent.

In a whirlwind of a thousand journeys, we flow through Life, as if crossing through an Ocean of an endless voyage. Sometimes we marvel at the ports we glide along, sometimes we chase the waves with our heart and soul, while sometimes we lose our way only to find a lighthouse guiding us along, always catching our breath at the majestic sunrises and sunsets. Our happy moments and connections are like those ports that cross our path while the moments of pain direct our steps to the lighthouse within our soul, as we keep growing ourselves through so many births and deaths of our soul just as the sunrises and sunsets.

The essential thing is to keep sailing, by letting go, by simply carrying on with the journey. Halt if you must, but while you halt, don't forget to gaze at how you have grown through each of those very experiences, just as how wonderful the journey gets along the path while you keep passing the ports one after another, steering nearer to the ultimate destination. So wave them a goodbye with a smile of gratitude for helping you in finding a piece of your soul back through a mad jest of pain, to gift you with another step closer to your destination, and sail along the shore of Life with a bunch of smiles.” ― Debatrayee Banerjee

5000 x 5000 px.

The sale of this artwork does not include commercial rights.

Strawberry Spiced Genesis Collection collection image

A 42 piece 1/1 originals NFT collection created by the Capetonian born South African designer and digital artist who sports the pseudonym “Strawberry Spiced”. This collection marks the beginning of her journey as an artist in the NFT space - now a complete and closed Genesis collection, other than secondary sales.

The pieces in this collection are an eclectic mix of colorful abstracts which strongly reflect the artists diversity in artistic expression and creative interest, whilst staying true to her passion for color and unmistakably vivid palette.

An avid lover of symbolism in art and life itself, each piece holds deep meaning to the artist, which is occasionally expressed in the individual descriptions, but Strawberry Spiced is also of the opinion that each set of eyes which meets her work, should be afforded the opportunity to develop their own personal interpretation as this is how the story of an art piece grows.

カテゴリー Art
トークン ID

The Journey

78 閲覧回数
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The Journey

78 閲覧回数
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No. 1 of a 10 piece collection, comprised of completely intuitive 1/1 abstract illustrations, each focusing on a different facet of life.

“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.” ― Mandy Hale

Growing up, I always felt very much like a square peg in a round hole - I think so many of us do. I was awkward, insecure and always so worried about what people thought of me. I dont think that we wake up one day and shed ourselves of our insecurities, I think we travel along the road of life and we shed them little by little as we go - as we expose ourselves to various situations, challenges and obstacles.

Along the way, we discover so many things, and learn - oh we are constantly learning. Perhaps we gradually grow our self confidence when we eventually learn to say no to the people and things which make us feel like less of an individual - maybe we finally realise that by extending a little more patience to others that we ourselves end up enduring less frustration.

We are constantly moving through moments, absorbing life and its lessons through all our senses, emotions and energy. When you dissect your journey and look at it in all its facets like a five thousand piece puzzle lying on a coffee table… you suddenly realise just how far you have come, how much you have overcome - the enormity of what you have learnt, how very different you are now to who you were at the beginning and precisely how much you have grown.

Like an orchestra - when you hear some of the individual instruments playing their part of a whole on their own, it can often sound absolutely horrid… but add all the other instruments, put it all together in harmony as a complete picture… it is nothing short of magnificent.

In a whirlwind of a thousand journeys, we flow through Life, as if crossing through an Ocean of an endless voyage. Sometimes we marvel at the ports we glide along, sometimes we chase the waves with our heart and soul, while sometimes we lose our way only to find a lighthouse guiding us along, always catching our breath at the majestic sunrises and sunsets. Our happy moments and connections are like those ports that cross our path while the moments of pain direct our steps to the lighthouse within our soul, as we keep growing ourselves through so many births and deaths of our soul just as the sunrises and sunsets.

The essential thing is to keep sailing, by letting go, by simply carrying on with the journey. Halt if you must, but while you halt, don't forget to gaze at how you have grown through each of those very experiences, just as how wonderful the journey gets along the path while you keep passing the ports one after another, steering nearer to the ultimate destination. So wave them a goodbye with a smile of gratitude for helping you in finding a piece of your soul back through a mad jest of pain, to gift you with another step closer to your destination, and sail along the shore of Life with a bunch of smiles.” ― Debatrayee Banerjee

5000 x 5000 px.

The sale of this artwork does not include commercial rights.

Strawberry Spiced Genesis Collection collection image

A 42 piece 1/1 originals NFT collection created by the Capetonian born South African designer and digital artist who sports the pseudonym “Strawberry Spiced”. This collection marks the beginning of her journey as an artist in the NFT space - now a complete and closed Genesis collection, other than secondary sales.

The pieces in this collection are an eclectic mix of colorful abstracts which strongly reflect the artists diversity in artistic expression and creative interest, whilst staying true to her passion for color and unmistakably vivid palette.

An avid lover of symbolism in art and life itself, each piece holds deep meaning to the artist, which is occasionally expressed in the individual descriptions, but Strawberry Spiced is also of the opinion that each set of eyes which meets her work, should be afforded the opportunity to develop their own personal interpretation as this is how the story of an art piece grows.

カテゴリー Art
トークン ID