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Title: Temple of Doom

Artist: Manfredteh

Edition: 1/1


This piece was created during the milky way season few years ago. In the UK, to see the milky way you will have to rely on the weather to be on your side, as most of the time the weather in UK is usually cloudy and overcast. Once I discovered the existence of this place, I patiently waited for a night when the weather forecast predicts that we will have clear sky.

One day, during the week, I had a lucky break. I packed all my cameras, lenses and tripods and drove one and a half hour to this remote place with my partner. As we arrived at the car park, we could just see milky way with our naked eyes, my partner was in awe as that was her first time seeing the milky way with her naked eyes.

At the same time she was a bit freaked out because of how dark it was. I calmed and reassured her that it will be fine, so we proceeded to walk up to the "temple". As we got there, we came across some paranormal activity hunters, they told us some stories about the place, that got my partner freaked out.

However, we decided to stay and do the photoshoot despite it getting more freaky there. About half and hour later, the paranormal activity hunters left, we proceeded with the shoot. The place was covered with silence, trees weren't moving, it was quite a surreal experience to say the least but we managed to complete the shoot and get out of that place as soon as we can. It was on that night that this piece was born.

Collector will receive a wetransfer link to download a full high res copy of the jpg for this piece.

Location: Druid's Temple, Yorkshire

Glow by Manfred Teh collection image

Glow is a collection that are consisted of 16 1/1 light painting with a drone at night over the last 3 years of my photography journey. Another 16 pieces will be added once the collection has sold out.

Throughout my photography journey, light has been one of many theme that has inspired me. Whether it's day or night time photography, both offers different looks and feelings from the same location. Over the years, I have developed a fondness for night photography, we can dictates how a scene would look like and the feelings that it can evoke by either using just natural light source or artificial light source to capture a scene and create a story that the we want to portray.

Created in my signature style, "Glow" focuses on exploring how both natural light source and artificial light source can both co-exists in natural outdoor environments (with or without man-made structure) and combined together to create something that is out of this world and that us, human don't normally see.

カテゴリー Art
トークン ID15

#5 Temple of Doom

395 閲覧回数
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#5 Temple of Doom

395 閲覧回数
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Title: Temple of Doom

Artist: Manfredteh

Edition: 1/1


This piece was created during the milky way season few years ago. In the UK, to see the milky way you will have to rely on the weather to be on your side, as most of the time the weather in UK is usually cloudy and overcast. Once I discovered the existence of this place, I patiently waited for a night when the weather forecast predicts that we will have clear sky.

One day, during the week, I had a lucky break. I packed all my cameras, lenses and tripods and drove one and a half hour to this remote place with my partner. As we arrived at the car park, we could just see milky way with our naked eyes, my partner was in awe as that was her first time seeing the milky way with her naked eyes.

At the same time she was a bit freaked out because of how dark it was. I calmed and reassured her that it will be fine, so we proceeded to walk up to the "temple". As we got there, we came across some paranormal activity hunters, they told us some stories about the place, that got my partner freaked out.

However, we decided to stay and do the photoshoot despite it getting more freaky there. About half and hour later, the paranormal activity hunters left, we proceeded with the shoot. The place was covered with silence, trees weren't moving, it was quite a surreal experience to say the least but we managed to complete the shoot and get out of that place as soon as we can. It was on that night that this piece was born.

Collector will receive a wetransfer link to download a full high res copy of the jpg for this piece.

Location: Druid's Temple, Yorkshire

Glow by Manfred Teh collection image

Glow is a collection that are consisted of 16 1/1 light painting with a drone at night over the last 3 years of my photography journey. Another 16 pieces will be added once the collection has sold out.

Throughout my photography journey, light has been one of many theme that has inspired me. Whether it's day or night time photography, both offers different looks and feelings from the same location. Over the years, I have developed a fondness for night photography, we can dictates how a scene would look like and the feelings that it can evoke by either using just natural light source or artificial light source to capture a scene and create a story that the we want to portray.

Created in my signature style, "Glow" focuses on exploring how both natural light source and artificial light source can both co-exists in natural outdoor environments (with or without man-made structure) and combined together to create something that is out of this world and that us, human don't normally see.

カテゴリー Art
トークン ID15