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Yosemite Series 1

My love for Yosemite started when I was a kid and extends to an annual backpacking trip that provides for some absolutely stunning views of Yosemite from angles you don't often see.

For the last 20 years I've been taking photos, a lot of photos, like an average of more than 20 photos a day...and I always thought some day I would do something special with the top 1% of those photos.

But it isn't just the views and the photos themselves, but the art I feel I can layer on top of them. I've never really considered myself and artist, and maybe you think these all suck and agree, I'm not an artist.

What I know is, when I experience the raw beauty of nature, I feel more alive than ever. But a photo doesn't convey that, so maybe adding a little extra will help your mind refocus, take a step back, and experience the unbelievable beauty of Yosemite.

Note: may lower your heart rate, but that's a good thing!

Élément unique
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Créé le
Mar 2021
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