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West Sunset

West Sunset is a rare collection living on the Ethereum blockchain that captures the moment the sun ☀️ sets in the west straight out of West Africa.

Beyond just being a natural phenomenon, the setting of the sun symbolizes many things to a variety or people and cultures. The setting of the sun represents the completion of a day's work, so it represents the opportunity to rest.

The sunset 🌇 is a symbol of strength for a man or woman who believes in the beauty of their dreams. It comes with a special energy that renews the strength of men and women who believe that their actions will one day positively change the world.

Do you have a dream, goal, or plans for a better tomorrow? Get up and go for it. The West Sunset is nature's gift to renew your strength.

Don't just add a West Sunset to your collection, let it serve as a reminder that you always have the time to rest if the day's work didn't yield any positive result. More details here.

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Créé le
May 2022
Revenus de création
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