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gm weird

Impenetrable things floating round my head

A collection of experiments created with 2D and 3D softwares, accompanied with sound.

wEIRD CHARACTERS, eerie meetings on street corners, nasal prostates and globular traffic pushed to the side of the road so people can get to work on time. Meanwhile, up on U8i9-ppL, the benevolent and immutable Roger the Beatnik retraces his steps, hoping to find the microphone he lost when he landed. Flies gather on the carcass. Its belly writhes with the expectation to explode. It's going to smell terrific.

Divorcing the unnatural to reek wonders with happiness bound in jelly and fudge

Fingers of sugar walking down to the yard and why must you all fidget under the tables you cowards must look and wonder where are all the stars they’re not on the floor you floundrelling flummusks they need to wake down and up through the rotten canvas I buried my cat under on Wednesday night it was a full moon and she said it was the right thing to do

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Créé le
Mar 2021
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