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Throwback Apes Club - Printmaker

This collection consists of 1:1 epic throwback moment pics, retaken by Bob Snap magic camera. The Throwback Apes club is a BAYC derivative project, so to require your custom artwork you need to own a BAYC. How does it work?

First of all, you gotta choose between the available film rolls from "Throwback Apes Club - Unrevealed Films" collection. With your film in "hands" all you need to do is choose your favorite throwback moment, the ape fella or fellas that you wanna see featured as characters, and let Bobby do his magic. After the 1:1 costume artwork is finished and minted as an ERC721 NFT, it goes straight to the "TBAC Printmaker" where 100 copies are minted under a second smart contract.

The Ape owner receives not only the original signature piece but also 90 copies of the art, to be sold as desired. TBAC gets 10% of the sales in form of royalties + 10% of all new copies that are created.

Élément unique
Total des éléments
Créé le
Feb 2022
Revenus de création