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The NFT Red Book

Welcome to the Red Book team! This is a branded collection of the popular online magazine ArtHope. We have a global goal that requires your help! Our goal is to help animals all over the world! It is necessary to draw public attention to the problem of the disappearance of various animal species, 80% of animals are already in the red Book with varying degrees of threat of extinction!

We also help financially! With the proceeds from the collection, we will make donations to foundations that specialize in helping animals (WWF, IFAW, WAP, Aspinall...). We believe that together we will be able to preserve wildlife!

The full roadmap can be found in our Instagram account. We will add all buyers to a closed instagram chat, where reports on donations, closed sweepstakes, promotions and information about further releases will be published.

PHASE 1 - 53 NFT, 8 animals! PHASE 2 - 80 NFT, 11 animals! PHASE 3 - 100 NFT, 16 animals!


Créé le
Mar 2022
Revenus de création