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The Muli/Concha Ostreae Series

Inspired by NFTS Madge and Muli55.2, I made a thorough investigation into the spirits of a collection of shells that I shucked from a band of feral oysters I collected while kayaking the Northern California coast on October 27, 2021. The results were surprising and wide-ranging.

As you will see, many present themselves in forms that look a lot like classical Chan/Zen ink paintings. A few are completely abstract white on black. Others display passionate explosions of color and motion that seem quite unlike their territory of origin, perhaps no different than any of us are on the inside.

Conveying moments that are at once humorous, soulful and outrageous, these NFTs are brief and potent testimonies to the unseen substrate of what surrounds us in our daily lives. Given the nature and extent of this work, I have allowed for some poetic license in the titling process. Beyond that, I allow each to speak for itself.

Créé le
May 2022
Revenus de création
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