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Sifaka - Feno's Odyssey

50% of profits are donated to Sifaka Conservation efforts

In Sifaka's vivid brushstrokes and vibrant colors, we discover not only visual expression, but also a profound call to action. Created by Adam Mur, Sifaka transcends the web to become a powerful voice for the voiceless. At the heart of this artistic enterprise is Feno, more than a subject, but a symbol. It embodies the urgency of our times, acting as a mirror to the attention-driven society. In a world where attention is a currency, Feno stands as a testament to the lengths individuals go to grab it, whether through the frenetic pace of social media or the drama and controversy that often accompany it, capturing thus our tireless quest for recognition.

Feno, although not yet famous, carries within him the aspiration to become an icon, to embody the threatened identity of the Sifakas and to question our values ​​as a society. It raises crucial questions: what do we value as a society? What do we consider iconic?

Créé le
Oct 2023
Revenus de création