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This is the series of uncompressed images generated by V4w.enko with the custom application Scalar v002.2 developed by the author.

Pixel to pixel - uncompressed images, recorded from the main screen 450*800px vertical real time pixel matrix.

The result images could be used for design, collection, prints, procedural geometry texture, illustrations, everywhere when it needs to get access to the well tuned static generative graphics of image pixel matrixes with this series.

This series of images is tokenized by the author,

  • for the future use of this harmonic retro generative material of images.

The full part of this collection "SCALAR-V002_450-800-PNG" by V4W.enko consist from images, 450*800px vertical canvas, uncompressed PNG tokenized one by one.

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Créé le
Apr 2021
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