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Moving Still // Still Moving

In 2016, at my first modern ballet, I got lost in time. This launched a five-year photographic exploration, which I call "Moving Still // Still Moving".

The notion of time being pliable vs constant, fascinated me. I started to explore and play with the idea of capturing various expressions and facets of time in this photo/animation series.

Traditional dance photography typically captures a very still moment usually at the end of a movement resulting in a pose. I was more interested in the strokes between those poses.

By leaving my shutter open for longer I was able to gather more time into a single image, leaving a visual history of the dancer’s movement.

The second part of this series are animations that unpack and re-expands the original photographic image adding another dimension of space to further explore the experience of time.

1 of 1 editions of the original still photographs will available on Foundation

#photography #photos #dance

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Apr 2021
Revenus de création
En pause