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Mimicrypto saison 1

A story straight out of the head of a little girl, wanting to share her imagination through her dad.

Mimicrypto are collections of randomly generated NFTs on the polygon blockchain.

Different seasons await you and many surprises to discover.

Holding an Mimicrypto will give you many advantages over the rest of the adventure.

Coming soon

  • Holders of an nft resulting from a mating will be able to publish their work in a virtual museum

  • The rarity of an Nft is ranked based on : 1) Its creation number 2)The season 3)breeding Some NFTs will be much rarer ( Whoever gets the legendary nft will receive the original artwork behind the one -ci nft) A work by a renowned artist

Other surprises are waiting for you very soon

Créé le
Mar 2022
Revenus de création