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Jeongju, Jeong

Jeongju Jeong majored in sculpture at Hongik University and acquired the title of Meisterschueler under Professor Hubert Kiecol at the Kunstakademie Duesseldorf in Germany in 2002. The artist presents various types of installation works inspired by architectural space and places. Space and light, in particular, play an important role in his works due to his impression of the sharp light that poured into a narrow window at his rented room during his study in Germany. The light penetrating through the sturdy surface of a European-style building was like the gaze at relationships with strangers in a foreign land and reaffirmation of his presence. Since then, the artist has continued formative installations by creating models of buildings and adding light to them. His works overturn the power of gaze and reconstruct psychological relationships.

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Créé le
Apr 2022
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