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Isolation:Side B

All through last year, I've worked on the biggest art project of my life, Isolation. I moved to the UK in 2020. Lockdown restrictions were strict, and I didn't have many friends. I went on long, rambling photo walks, often late at night, staying out until early in the morning. Walking around my town, late at night in a country almost completely locked down gave me a unique perspective and a chance to create something. Seeing these massive urban environments deserted and silent sparked something in me. I knew I had to create something from what I saw. I began experimenting with silhouettes, using mixed media to create eerie but nostalgic scenes that conveyed my loneliness. I developed a distinctive style of silhouette that features in a lot of my work from this period.

And it's these experiments with silhouettes that make up Isolation:Side B.

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Créé le
Aug 2021
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