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A Family of Strangers #StopAsianHate Charity Auction

Purpose of this auction: 100% of the proceeds for this auction will be donated to the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) charitable foundation. The AAAJ will then disperse all of the funds to the victims of the Atlanta spa shootings and their families.

The Painting and Its Symbolism:

  1. The orange and black colors represent the colors of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice nonprofit organization. To me, the black also represents the solidarity of the Black community.
  2. The magenta color dripping from the top represents feminity, compassion, and love.
  3. There are several allusions to the number 3. In Asian cultures and many cultures and religions around the world, the number 3 has many symbolic meanings, including being a lucky number and as a number representing sturdiness and resilience.

You can also donate to victims' AAAJ fund directly by going to

Thank you for your time!

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Créé le
Mar 2021
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