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Ben Wheele: 'Top 5 Animation Containers'

A rare collection of digital trading cards by artist Ben Wheele. Using CGI animation, Wheele constructs a fantastical world of sinister creatures and digital hybrids available for your ownership. The collection attempts to reinterpret the sparkling, holographic nostalgia of 80s-90s trading cards. Ben Wheele’s work is often found lurking in the "dark side of YouTube," a little-known zone of mysterious videos, which generate all sorts of conspiracy theories and terrified reaction videos online. His project 'Top 5 Animation Containers' (2019) began life as a short animation that replicates the style of a WatchMojo ‘Countdown’ video to explore how viral memes evolve. Using a cast of fictitious or impossible animated characters, Wheele explores the weird psychosocial materiality of being ‘always online’.

Top 5 Animation Containers

Each artwork is certified by Verisart, the leading blockchain certification platform for artworks and collectibles

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Créé le
May 2021
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