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Am I Human & Underwear

Following the steps of a program that is sorting sequences of numbers, the artificial intelligence falls asleep and starts dreaming. Inside the flow of numbers and in the rush of recursive calls, childhood memories, secret loves, vintage postcards, old nursery rhymes and ancient fears emerge. Just as numbers find their order, so dreams, first blurred, become real and then dissolve. So the artificial intelligence comes out of her world and wonders if she is capable of dreaming. But aren't dreams the prerogative of human beings? The question that emerges is there waiting for an answer. But there is still no answer, or perhaps we do not have the courage to give it. After "Illusa fingo sogni fasulli" where the artificial intelligence inverts without rest this palindromic phrase Luca Gambardella continues the investigation on the dream of the artificial intelligence.

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Créé le
Apr 2022
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