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A Long Time

‘A LONG TIME’ by MOAL is a unique 100-piece 1/1 music & photography collection. The images have been subtlety animated and each piece then has 1/100th of the entire 43-min song attached to it. THE FULL SONG IS ONLY AVAIL TO NFT HOLDERS.

All the images were captured in-camera, so no Photoshop etc was used in making these works. Apart from some basic editing and occasional black & white converted shots, everything you see is exactly what came out of the camera.

The song totals 42mins 54seconds to be exact, consisting of many movements, styles and a huge array of textures. All the music was written, recorded, performed, produced, mixed & mastered by MOAL; this project is a perfect illustration of his creative ambition.

Once you’ve minted/purchased, remember to go onto to download your unlockables! (desktop only)

  • Connect your wallet, then click on the same button again.
  • Click 'Claim Extras' and download!
Créé le
Jun 2022
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