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Sand Worm

Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian papyri contain many confirmations about caravans bravely making their way through the sands of the African, Arabian, and Persian deserts to Pakistan and China. One of the caravan roads was the Great Silk Road, along which silk was delivered from China to Mesopotamia and to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The silk threads extracted from the cocoon of the silkworm were a curiosity and were highly valued everywhere. The secret of making silk remained unknown, and death was expected for its disclosure in China. Many heads flew into the ground after the Chinese Yellow Emperor himself swore his head to the big worm that he would keep the secret in exchange for the world's silk power.

The Huge Great Worm accepted the terms of the deal. It was a female of a giant tricolor worm that passes through the lands of several states like a train through subway tunnels. He gave birth to myriads of silkworm caterpillars..

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