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“Bourgeois Revolution” by Vnderworld
Zeitgeist Collection, curated by
Created with Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 txt2img and Inpainting. Dimensions 4774 x 1663 pixels
Time to complete: 18 Days

Intro: “Bourgeois Revolution” was not created with a purpose in mind. At least not initially. The artist did not sit down and ponder to himself, how can I convey the historical importance of the Bourgeois Revolutions that occurred around the world during the 18th century in the formation of the modern capitalism and the rapid development and industrialization of the world there after. This piece started off simply as a prompt in stable diffusion which envisions a scene of a fearful male and female protagonist being attacked by demons and evil spirits in a brutalist mansion while experiencing a sense of psychosis. The 2 images I combined to create this final piece were both created on April 26th, 2023. 3 Months later on July 19th, I combined the 2 images and started creating Bourgeois Revolution, which was finished on August 5th, composed of over 5000 AI prompted images.

From the Artist: In much of my work, I analyze and shine a light on the darker facets of the human condition and the complexities of the human psyche. Drawing inspiration from my family's history of surviving the Armenian Genocide and the Nazi invasion of Poland, I infuse my creations with socio-political commentary, accompanied by a healthy dose of skepticism and exploration of conspiracy theories and facts.

As I embarked on this particular piece, my initial focus was on the French Revolution and the term "Bourgeois Revolution". My research led me to explore Marxism and the idea that Capitalism served as a necessary stepping stone to overthrow Feudal and Monarchy rule, eventually paving the way for a society that might adopt socialism. It was fascinating to learn that not only the French Revolution but also other countries like England, the United States, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and China experienced Bourgeois Revolutions in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

During the creation process, as I toiled late into the night, a shift occurred, taking my exploration beyond the Bourgeois Revolution. I found myself drawn into the inception of the Freemasons in 1717, studying their alleged involvement in orchestrating seemingly unrelated revolts. This exploration led to an atmosphere of paranoia and mania, reflected in the chaotic nature of the artwork. Symbols like the All-Seeing-Eye and Pyramids started appearing, lending an air of mystery.

One particular element captured my attention—the painting in the background, featuring a crusade towards ancient pyramids, and the symbolic phrases on the back of the American Dollar bill; namely Annuit Cœptis “[He] has approved our undertakings,” Novus ordo Seclorum “a new order of the ages,” and e pluribus unum “out of many, one”. This led me down the rabbit hole of Freemason influence and their role and other secret societies' roles in shaping today’s new world order.

The piece evolves into a reflection on the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a select few, who remain hidden behind the scenes. Titans of industry, unregulated monopolies, controlling governments and militaries, orchestrating wars and revolutions—all represented by the arcane Men in the Gold Mask within the art piece.

What began as an exploration of the French Revolution ultimately evolved into a profound examination of the rise and fall of civilizations. I see it as a representation of the intricate cycles that govern our world, orchestrated by a powerful minority controlling and manipulating the majority, shifting the balance of power.

Through this artwork, I present a powerful question: Are we witnessing the inevitable collapse of established world orders amidst the current global upheaval? Are we living through the downfall of America and what can we make of Neil Howe and William Strauss's theory of the 4th Turning? What can we analyze in today’s zeitgeist as it relates to the zeitgeist of 18th century France and America? Countless revolutions have emerged and dissipated in the past decade, from Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, to the Yellow Vest Protests in France, the George Floyd protests in America and the recent major protests in China, Iran, and so many more countries. Leaving us wondering if the world will ever rise against the current powers-that-be. We stand at a crossroads—traditional methods of rebellion seem outmatched by the militarization of police forces and the advances of technology.

Conclusion: Beyond all the deep meaning and thought within the piece, the artist also wishes that the piece itself be a conversation starter around these topics while maintaining a creative distance from all the thoughts and ideas presented during the creation of the piece. Everything discussed in this overview serves as a point of view, that the artist is trying to derive meaning from something that initially did not have meaning. The art itself is its own story with its own characters and prompts the viewer to further explore their own imagination by asking "What am I looking at?". The artist is creating an alternate universe, a strange history of sorts. Based in historical fact, and creatively stretched through imagination.

Cette collection n'a pas encore de description.

Adresse du contrat0x6733...b993
ID de jeton1
Norme de jetonERC-1155
Dernière mise à jourIl y a 11 mois
Revenus de création

Bourgeois Revolution

3 Éléments
73 vues
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Bourgeois Revolution

3 Éléments
73 vues
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  • Prix unitaire
    Prix unitaire USD
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“Bourgeois Revolution” by Vnderworld
Zeitgeist Collection, curated by
Created with Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 txt2img and Inpainting. Dimensions 4774 x 1663 pixels
Time to complete: 18 Days

Intro: “Bourgeois Revolution” was not created with a purpose in mind. At least not initially. The artist did not sit down and ponder to himself, how can I convey the historical importance of the Bourgeois Revolutions that occurred around the world during the 18th century in the formation of the modern capitalism and the rapid development and industrialization of the world there after. This piece started off simply as a prompt in stable diffusion which envisions a scene of a fearful male and female protagonist being attacked by demons and evil spirits in a brutalist mansion while experiencing a sense of psychosis. The 2 images I combined to create this final piece were both created on April 26th, 2023. 3 Months later on July 19th, I combined the 2 images and started creating Bourgeois Revolution, which was finished on August 5th, composed of over 5000 AI prompted images.

From the Artist: In much of my work, I analyze and shine a light on the darker facets of the human condition and the complexities of the human psyche. Drawing inspiration from my family's history of surviving the Armenian Genocide and the Nazi invasion of Poland, I infuse my creations with socio-political commentary, accompanied by a healthy dose of skepticism and exploration of conspiracy theories and facts.

As I embarked on this particular piece, my initial focus was on the French Revolution and the term "Bourgeois Revolution". My research led me to explore Marxism and the idea that Capitalism served as a necessary stepping stone to overthrow Feudal and Monarchy rule, eventually paving the way for a society that might adopt socialism. It was fascinating to learn that not only the French Revolution but also other countries like England, the United States, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and China experienced Bourgeois Revolutions in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

During the creation process, as I toiled late into the night, a shift occurred, taking my exploration beyond the Bourgeois Revolution. I found myself drawn into the inception of the Freemasons in 1717, studying their alleged involvement in orchestrating seemingly unrelated revolts. This exploration led to an atmosphere of paranoia and mania, reflected in the chaotic nature of the artwork. Symbols like the All-Seeing-Eye and Pyramids started appearing, lending an air of mystery.

One particular element captured my attention—the painting in the background, featuring a crusade towards ancient pyramids, and the symbolic phrases on the back of the American Dollar bill; namely Annuit Cœptis “[He] has approved our undertakings,” Novus ordo Seclorum “a new order of the ages,” and e pluribus unum “out of many, one”. This led me down the rabbit hole of Freemason influence and their role and other secret societies' roles in shaping today’s new world order.

The piece evolves into a reflection on the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a select few, who remain hidden behind the scenes. Titans of industry, unregulated monopolies, controlling governments and militaries, orchestrating wars and revolutions—all represented by the arcane Men in the Gold Mask within the art piece.

What began as an exploration of the French Revolution ultimately evolved into a profound examination of the rise and fall of civilizations. I see it as a representation of the intricate cycles that govern our world, orchestrated by a powerful minority controlling and manipulating the majority, shifting the balance of power.

Through this artwork, I present a powerful question: Are we witnessing the inevitable collapse of established world orders amidst the current global upheaval? Are we living through the downfall of America and what can we make of Neil Howe and William Strauss's theory of the 4th Turning? What can we analyze in today’s zeitgeist as it relates to the zeitgeist of 18th century France and America? Countless revolutions have emerged and dissipated in the past decade, from Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, to the Yellow Vest Protests in France, the George Floyd protests in America and the recent major protests in China, Iran, and so many more countries. Leaving us wondering if the world will ever rise against the current powers-that-be. We stand at a crossroads—traditional methods of rebellion seem outmatched by the militarization of police forces and the advances of technology.

Conclusion: Beyond all the deep meaning and thought within the piece, the artist also wishes that the piece itself be a conversation starter around these topics while maintaining a creative distance from all the thoughts and ideas presented during the creation of the piece. Everything discussed in this overview serves as a point of view, that the artist is trying to derive meaning from something that initially did not have meaning. The art itself is its own story with its own characters and prompts the viewer to further explore their own imagination by asking "What am I looking at?". The artist is creating an alternate universe, a strange history of sorts. Based in historical fact, and creatively stretched through imagination.

Cette collection n'a pas encore de description.

Adresse du contrat0x6733...b993
ID de jeton1
Norme de jetonERC-1155
Dernière mise à jourIl y a 11 mois
Revenus de création
Prix unitaire