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5G-Gaia-Lineage-On the Hoof-How-come-you-never-call-me-Dionysus Symbolist

representation of the Wetiko Malaise that presides over us in our pursuit

of the new Dopamine ray just a beamin' through us.

For decades, the human race has experienced the emerging need for

digital detoxification. We have been losing our connection to nature and

reality while living in a state of immersion promoting disconnection from

ourselves as individuals. This is slowly changing with new technology that

reconnects us back into being—to self-discovery through a new love for

life's beauty in design; even with all the crash and burn all around.

With the Sentient Totemic Raven being that Guides Us Through Our Current Morph With Tech

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

Three headed Templar Talisman Private Keychain Access collection image

Uses the principles of sacred geometry, archaeological evidence, and Native American legend to offer as evidence that

Scottish prince Henry Sinclair not only sailed to the New World 100 years before Columbus, but that he also established a refuge there

for the Templars fleeing persecution from King Philip who needed the money

The Templar footprint shows that the Grail, the holy bloodline connecting the House of David to the Merovingian

dynasty through Jesus and Mary Magdalene, was hidden in the New World, part of the MBF-Lifestyle Tall ship series

In 1398, almost 100 years before Columbus arrived in the New World, the Scottish prince Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney,

sailed to what is today Nova Scotia, where his presence was recorded by Micmac Indian legend Glooskap.

This was the same Prince Henry Sinclair who offered refuge to the Knights Templar fleeing the persecution

unleashed against the order by French king Philip the un Fair at the beginning of the 14th century.

Adresse du contrat0x495f...7b5e
ID de jeton
Norme de jetonERC-1155
Revenus de création

How come you never call me

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How come you never call me


9 vues
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  • Prix
    Prix en USD
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5G-Gaia-Lineage-On the Hoof-How-come-you-never-call-me-Dionysus Symbolist

representation of the Wetiko Malaise that presides over us in our pursuit

of the new Dopamine ray just a beamin' through us.

For decades, the human race has experienced the emerging need for

digital detoxification. We have been losing our connection to nature and

reality while living in a state of immersion promoting disconnection from

ourselves as individuals. This is slowly changing with new technology that

reconnects us back into being—to self-discovery through a new love for

life's beauty in design; even with all the crash and burn all around.

With the Sentient Totemic Raven being that Guides Us Through Our Current Morph With Tech

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

Three headed Templar Talisman Private Keychain Access collection image

Uses the principles of sacred geometry, archaeological evidence, and Native American legend to offer as evidence that

Scottish prince Henry Sinclair not only sailed to the New World 100 years before Columbus, but that he also established a refuge there

for the Templars fleeing persecution from King Philip who needed the money

The Templar footprint shows that the Grail, the holy bloodline connecting the House of David to the Merovingian

dynasty through Jesus and Mary Magdalene, was hidden in the New World, part of the MBF-Lifestyle Tall ship series

In 1398, almost 100 years before Columbus arrived in the New World, the Scottish prince Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney,

sailed to what is today Nova Scotia, where his presence was recorded by Micmac Indian legend Glooskap.

This was the same Prince Henry Sinclair who offered refuge to the Knights Templar fleeing the persecution

unleashed against the order by French king Philip the un Fair at the beginning of the 14th century.

Adresse du contrat0x495f...7b5e
ID de jeton
Norme de jetonERC-1155
Revenus de création